On Thursday, the Asian Cricket Council finally announced the dates of the upcoming Men’s Asia Cup 2023. In this tournament, regional teams having a crack at each other will be played as per the hybrid model only. The tournament will start on August 31 and end on September 17.
As per the statement issued by the ACC, "They are delighted to announce that the Asia Cup 2023 will be held from August 31 to September 17, 2023, and will see the elite teams from India, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, Afghanistan, and Nepal compete in a total of 13 exciting ODI matches."
According to the hybrid model that is going to be used in the tournament, four matches will be played in Pakistan, whereas the rest of the matches will be played in Sri Lanka. The structure of the group is the same as that of the Asia T20 in 2022. In the tournament, three teams will be divided into two groups. After this, the top two teams from each group will qualify for the Super Four, and then, in the end, the top two teams will proceed towards the finals.
Both BCCI and PCB were at deadlock with each other over the venue issue of the Asia Cup 2023, as BCCI Secretary Jay Shah had stated earlier that they would not send their team to Pakistan for the Asia Cup 2023. After this, PCB was also quick to react, as they threatened not to send their team for the ODI World Cup 2023, which is scheduled to be held in India. But then a hybrid model has been proposed by the PCB to bring out any solution to this problem.
In the hybrid model, Pakistan gave two options: one includes India playing their matches at a neutral venue, while the other matches will be held in Pakistan; according to the second option, four group stage matches in the initial phase of the event will take place in Pakistan, whereas the matches including Team India will be played in the second phase, followed by the next stage matches and the finals.
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