Daren Sammy also rejects the offer to coach the Pakistan cricket team

The search for a new head coach for the Pakistan Cricket Team has hit a roadblock after both Shane Watson and Daren Sammy rejected offers from the Pakistan Cricket Board.
Former West Indian captain Darren Sammy opted out due to his existing contract with the West Indies Cricket Board as the head coach of their white-ball teams. The PCB was likely hoping for Sammy’s experience and leadership, but his existing commitment prevented him from accepting their offer.
Australian all-rounder Shane Watson initially showed interest in the position and even discussed specific terms with the PCB, including financial compensation. According to sources, the PCB was willing to meet Watson’s demands.
However, negotiations took a turn when details about the proposed contract were leaked to the Pakistani media and social media. Watson, reportedly unhappy with the breach of confidentiality, ultimately declined the offer. He cited prior commitments as a commentator in the IPL and the USA league, along with his desire to spend more time with his family in Australia.
With both Sammy and Watson out of contention, the PCB needs to find a solution. They are currently exploring the possibility of an interim arrangement to oversee the national team’s training camp scheduled for March 25th to April 8th. This temporary coach would guide the team in the lead-up to the upcoming five-match T20 series against New Zealand, starting April 14th. The PCB’s search for a permanent head coach is sure to continue. 


Mar 18, 2024 5:37 AM