The Indian cricket team will enter the ICC ODI World Cup 2023 as favorites, and on Tuesday, former captain Kapil Dev said the home side should bear the pressure of expectations to regain the trophy. Two-time champions of the ODI World Cup, India is eager to add another title to their list of victories during the WC, which is going to be held in the months of October and November.
Kapil Dev said, "I don’t know how it will pan out. They have yet to announce the team for the World Cup. India will always enter a tournament as favorites, as has been the case for a long time. It’s all about how the team comes to terms with the expectations from all sides. We have won the World."
He further said, "Cup at home, and I am sure the team, whoever gets selected, can do it again. A World Cup is coming in four years, and I hope the players will be fully prepared."
While talking about workload and injury management, Kapil Dev said that a lot of care should be given regarding workload and injury management because many of the cricket players of this era are involved in this.
The winning Captain of the 1983 World Cup said that "My time was different as we hardly played so much cricket. Now, these players have played some 10 months of cricket. So, managing your body is important to keep away from injuries. Everybody’s body is different, and they would require individual plans to preserve their fitness."