Under Hardik Pandya’s leadership, the Gujarat Titans reached the final of the Indian Premier League for two consecutive seasons, winning one of them. But, with Hardik now leading the Mumbai Indians, the Gujarat Titans' baton has fallen in the hands of Shubman Gill, a young batter who doesn't have much leadership experience. With Hardik now leading the Mumbai Indians, the spotlight would be on Gill to see how efficiently he steps into the void left by the India all-rounder. As far as the franchise's batting coach, Gary Kirsten, is concerned, the support staff will do everything needed to help Gill succeed in the leadership role.
Kirsten said, “I think leadership is going to be an important role for him, and I know he’s really keen to do the job, and we, as coaches, just need to assist him in making sure he’s getting the best out of his players and he’s leading the team appropriately and in the way we want him to lead.”
Kristen added, “He’s a quality player. He’s a thoroughly nice person. He’s got massive motivation and determination as an individual, which we’ve seen when playing for India. But like any new leader, he’s starting from scratch, and he’s going to be met with challenges along the way, and we, as coaches, will just have to assist him along the way.”