Captain Rohit Sharma, along with Virat Kohli, Hardik Pandya, and Surya Kumar Yadav, will go through rigid tests as the 13-day schedule was given to players who had just returned from the West Indies trip and were not participating in the current three-match T20 series against Ireland. Ravindra Jadeja and fast bowlers Mohammed Shami and Mohammed Siraj are also included in this group.
The workout regimen, which was to be followed from August 9–22, was split into two sections with a rest day in between. It is intended to prevent an injury that could end India’s World Cup campaign and was created to keep every player in the best condition possible.
According to the NCA’s special program for the Asia Cup 2023 squad, The fitness regimen is more about mobility, shoulder care, and glute muscles, and players will also focus on strength. A special regimen has been designed for each player by NCA, and every player has to take a specific amount of protein, complete gym sessions, walk, and run, followed by swimming sessions. The likes of Virat Kohli and Rohit Sharma also had to take yoga sessions with nine hours of sleep. Furthermore, there are special drills designed by NCA for each player.