On Wednesday, captain of Indian cricket team Rohit Sharma capped off a record-fest outing in New Delhi to seal India's second straight win at the One Day International World Cup 2023. The veteran Indian opener played a masterful knock as his century helped team India in their eight-wicket victory over Afghanistan in match No. 9 of the ODI World Cup at the Arun Jaitley Stadium. Rohit notched up his 31st century to smash Sachin Tendulkar's World Cup record.
Taking to X, batting legend Tendulkar lauded Bumrah and Rohit for their superlative efforts at the ODI World Cup. Tendulkar said, “Two fine performances by Bumrah and Rohit, who were well supported by the bowling and batting units, respectively. The two games have seen different players contributing, and that sets things up nicely for the 14th of October. Look forward!” Two-time champions India will now face 1992 winners Pakistan in its next match at the ODI World Cup.
Tendulkar, who won the World Cup title in 2011, scored six centuries in 44 innings of the ICC event. The