According to a report, the Cricket Association of Bengal has planned a special celebration for Virat Kohli's birthday during the Cricket World Cup 2023 match between India and South Africa at the Eden Gardens in Kolkata on November 5. The President of CAB, Snehasish Ganguly, said that they have plans for the occasion, and considering India has somewhat booked their spot in the Cricket World Cup semifinals, the CAB is confident about a positive result for the Rohit Sharma-led side.
According to the report, the CAB will be gifting something special to Kohli, and they plan to distribute around 70,000 Kohli masks to the spectators. There will also be a laser show along with a special cake for the occasion that Kohli will cut ahead of the match.
He said, “We have ordered a cake for Virat, and the design will be something everyone identifies with Virat Kohli." “I am not sharing the pictures yet; let that be a surprise. Also, we plan to host a fireworks show during the mid-innings interval for Virat and the crowd. It will be our way of celebrating his birthday and our way of saying that the entire Kolkata crowd is part of the celebrations. We are sure of a full house, and everyone in the stands is a Virat fan. It is a gesture on behalf of all of them.”