On Wednesday, the board of control for cricket in India announced BookMyShow as the official ticketing platform for the 2023 Cricket World Cup. A total of 58 matches will be held in the tournament, including 10 warm-up fixtures, hosted across 12 prominent venues throughout India.
As per the release of the BCCI, "In line with ensuring a seamless and comprehensive ticketing experience for fans, the sales process for this iconic tournament will be introduced in a series of carefully managed phases."
On August 25, sales will start for warm-up and event games for all teams except India. On August 30, one can buy tickets for India’s warm-up games in Guwahati and Thiruvananthapuram. A day later, tickets for India’s games in Chennai (vs. Australia, Oct. 8), Delhi (vs. Afghanistan, Oct. 11), and Pune (vs. Bangladesh, Oct. 19) will be opened. From September 1, fans could purchase tickets for the hosts’ ties in Dharamsala (vs. New Zealand, October 22), Lucknow (vs. England, October 29), and Mumbai (vs. Sri Lanka, November 2). On September 2, those for the Kolkata (vs. South Africa, November 5) and Bengaluru (vs. Netherlands, November 12) games will commence.
Finally, on September 3, the tickets for the most in-demand game, India versus Pakistan in Ahmedabad on October 14, will be sold. Those for the semifinals and finals would start on September 15.