One of the new IPL franchises, the Gujarat Titans, made a grand announcement on social media on March 23. before their IPL 2024 season opener against the Mumbai Indians. The IPL 2022 champions announced a spectacular opening ceremony for their fans at the Narendra Modi Stadium.
IPL organizers generally conduct an opening ceremony before the first match of a new season. However, the teams have started their own individual kick-off events for the new seasons now.
Royal Challengers Bengaluru had an RCB: Unbox event a few days ago at the M Chinnaswamy Stadium, while the Kolkata Knight Riders organized a Knights: Unplugged evening before the season started. Now, the Gujarat Titans made the following announcement on their X handle: “Grand, spectacular, breath-taking #TitansFAM, come be a part of an opening ceremony to remember.”
The Gujarat Titans are yet to announce the list of celebrities who will perform at the opening ceremony tomorrow evening, i.e., March 24. The IPL 2022 champions have only shared the start time of the event so far, which is 6 p.m. IST.