The third match of the IPL 2024 between Kolkata Knight Riders and Sunrisers Hyderabad (SRH) witnessed a fiery moment that has sparked discussions about sportsmanship. Young KKR pacer Harshit Rana, while celebrating the dismissal of SRH’s Mayank Agarwal, engaged in an over-the-top celebration that has landed him in trouble with the BCCI.
Rana’s bowling skills were on display when he dismissed the dangerous Agarwal with a clever, slower bouncer. This crucial wicket halted Agarwal’s promising innings and boosted KKR’s chances of victory. However, it was Rana’s subsequent celebration that stole the spotlight, and not in a positive way.
His exuberant actions, including blowing a flying kiss in Agarwal’s direction, were deemed excessive and disrespectful by many, including the BCCI. The cricket board took swift action, fining Rana a total of 60% of his match fees for breaching the IPL’s Code of Conduct.
The IPL, in a media advisory, stated that Rana had committed two Level 1 offenses under Article 2.5 of the Code of Conduct. He received separate fines of 10% and 50% of his match fees for the two violations. Rana has accepted the sanctions imposed by the match referee.