The officials of the Board of Control for Cricket in India are most likely going to visit Pakistan during the upcoming Asia Cup 2023, which is going to start on August 30. The source further added that BCCI President Roger Binny and Vice President Rajeev Shukla are expected to travel to Pakistan after an invitation was extended to the members of the Asian Cricket Council and other cricket boards to attend the mega event. BCCI Secretary and President of the ACC, Jay Shah, has also been invited by the Pakistan Cricket Board.
Apart from all the ACC board members, ICC Chairman Greg Barclay, ICC Chief Executive Geoff Allardice, and General Manager Cricket Wasim Khan have also been invited.
It is worth mentioning that Jay Shah had earlier denied reports that he would come to Pakistan to watch the Asia Cup match. The 2023 Asia Cup will be held in Pakistan and Sri Lanka between August 30 and September 17. Pakistan is in Group A alongside Nepal and India. Meanwhile, Bangladesh, Afghanistan, and Sri Lanka are in Group B.
The Pakistan cricket team is going to play their campaign opener match against Nepal, who will be playing their first Asia Cup, on August 30 in Multan.