In a new change, the BCCI has issued a new statement for the stars of the Indian cricket team during the ongoing Indian Premier League season. After careful consideration with the National Cricket Academy in Bengaluru, the board of control for cricket in India has asked the likes of Mohammed Shami, Siraj, and other Indian bowlers to double their workload during the ongoing IPL season. This decision has been taken by BCCI as they are keeping the World Test Championship in mind, which is going to start on June 7.
The BCCI has asked its contracted bowlers to scale up their workload during the IPL in the build-up to the World Test Championship final because there is going to be a gap of only one wicket after the final of the IPL 2023, and Shami, Siraj, Umesh Yadav, Shardul, etc. are asked to bowl around 33 overs per week. They have also been given the Duke's ball, which is going to be used in England to work on their skills.
A senior BCCI member told insidesport that "there won't be a lot of time for the bowlers to hit top gear with the red ball." So they must continue to practise with the red ball. "All potential bowlers have been given red Dukes to practise during the IPL."
As bowlers bowl for only 4 hours in IPL games, the idea is to get them used to long boiling spells with the red ball.