The Indian cricket team is ready to face Bangladesh in the 2023 World Cup clash on Thursday in Pune. Despite being the favorites, the Rohit Sharma-led side will aim to not be complacent, as Bangladesh have beaten India three times in the last four ODIs, twice in a bilateral series in December 2022 and then in the Asia Cup Super Four match recently. Before the match, Bangladesh wicketkeeper and batsman Mushfiqur Rahim stated that he never sledges Virat Kohli as it only pumps up the star India batter.
While speaking, Rahim praised Kohli, calling him a "competitive guy", who always wants to win every match. Rahim stated that he loves facing Kohli and Team India.
Rahim said, "Some batters in the world love sledging and get pumped up by that. So I never sledge Virat because he gets pumped up by that. I always tell my bowlers to get rid of him as early as possible.”
He further added that, "Whenever I play against him, he always tries to sledge me every time I go in to bat because he is a really competitive guy and he doesn't want to lose any cricket match. I really love that rivalry with him and the challenge that comes with facing him and India.”