On June 9, at the T20 World Cup 2024, horrific news emerged from New York, where the Indian and Pakistani national cricket teams squared off. The match received extensive coverage from the media all across the globe. Even a YouTuber from Pakistan was in the city for the match. Reports from Pakistani media have claimed that a YouTuber named Saad Ahmed was shot dead by a security guard who was being interviewed by the YouTuber as part of the build-up for the India vs. Pakistan match in Nassau County Stadium.
The YouTuber reportedly went to the mobile market in New York and took video bytes of several shopkeepers before putting the mic in front of the said guard, hoping to take his byte too. Saad tried to take his views and wanted to feature the said security guard in his coverage too. However, the guard wasn’t eager to be filmed and urged Saad not to push him into doing so.
Watch the video here.
As per reports, Eventually, the guard lost his cool and shot the YouTuber dead. Reports have suggested that Saad was rushed to the hospital but was declared dead upon arrival.