According to the sources of BCCI, following the appointment of Gautam Gambhir as India’s head coach on Tuesday, former seamers Zaheer Khan and Lakshmipathy Balaji are being considered for the position of national team’s bowling coach. The sources said, "BCCI is discussing the names of Zaheer Khan and Lakshmipati Balaji for the position of bowling coach. BCCI is not interested in the name of Vinay Kumar.”
Zaheer has taken 311 Test wickets in 92 matches and overall 610 scalps in 309 international matches across all formats for Men in Blue. He is considered one of the greatest left-arm pacers to have played the sport.
Whereas Balaji has represented Team India in eight Test matches, where he has managed to snap 27 wickets at an average of 37.18. On the other hand, he has bagged 34 wickets in 30 ODIs at an average of 39.52.
The appointment of a new set of support staff for Team India follows the appointment of Gautam Gambhir as head coach. The tenure of Paras Mahambrey, who was the bowling coach of Team India, has come to an end.