The spinner of Team India, Yuzvendra Chahal, took to social media to post a heart-warming message for his wife, Dhanashree Verma, on the occasion of their anniversary. Chahal and Dhanashree got married in 2020, and on the occasion of their anniversary, Chahal posted some pictures of themselves along with a sweet message. Chahal posted on X, "Dear wifey, From the first day we met to this moment, every second of this journey has been close to my heart. They say matches are made in heaven, and I am sure whoever has written our script is on my side. You make me a better human being every single day. You complete me!! Happy marriage anniversary to you, the love of my life.”
Earlier, left-arm wrist-spinner Kuldeep Yadav revealed details of his talk with teammate Yuzvendra Chahal before the third and final T20I of the three-match series against South Africa.
Kuldeep thanked Chahal for his consistent support, highlighting their friendship throughout the years. The left-arm wrist spinner made a fantastic comeback to form in T20Is, recording his best figures for Team India in the format against South Africa.