Both fans and professionals frequently compare Virat Kohli, the star of the Indian cricket team, to Babar Azam, the captain of Pakistan. The discussions have recently heated up considerably because the traditional rivals will be playing one another in the Asia Cup 2023 in early September. Former Australian cricketer Tom Moody, on the other hand, had a very different perspective on the argument and identified similarities between the two hitters. In a recent conversation, Moody claimed that Babar really reminds him a lot of Kohli due to the fact that both players depend on accurate cricket shots and have a thorough knowledge of the game."I have no doubt that he is. The way he conducts himself does make me think of Virat Kohli a lot. He makes genuine cricket shots. He exhibits the same level of understanding and game reading that Kohli has displayed for more than a decade. He is an adept chaser, much as Virat Kohli has been for many, many years. There is a lot of similarity between the two, and while I wouldn't go so far as to say that Virat would have a better Asia Cup than Babar Azam, they both can handle equal pressure, and it will be fun to watch them both bat since they both draw big crowds, Moody stated on Star Sports.The former all-rounder for Australia was asked about Babar's leadership.
In any Asian squad, the leadership is always a very difficult one, as you might imagine. Every single captain is under intense scrutiny, and when they do something that may not be the best course of action at the moment, there are suddenly a tonne of specialists there to advise them. Nevertheless, there is no doubt in my mind that he is still coping with the mounting expectations of captaincy. He'll thus only get better going forward, you know. So, yeah, he'll just keep getting better. He has a lot of experience around him, too. I mentioned the experience of this Pakistani team; now, he also has a lot of players who have held captaincy positions, whether in franchise cricket or in their domestic cricket; as a result, he has a lot of strong leadership pillars from which I'm sure he'll draw.