On Tuesday, the Mumbai Indians faced a defeat against the defending champion Gujarat Titans, who lost the match by 55 runs in Ahmedabad. The bowling attack of MI's performance was quite poor, as they scored 207 runs in 20 overs against the Gujarat Titans, whereas the Titans did restrict the side to merely 152/9. With no services of Jofra Archer, the pace bowling attack of MI was taken to the cleaners in the death overs; however, the non-usage of Arjun Tendulkar at the death is what surprised the fans and former cricketers the most.
For the lack of clarity over the utilisation of Arjun, former Australian cricketer Tom Moody, who had also been the head coach of Sunrisers Hyderabad, said that he is an "extra bowler" in the Mumbai lineup. He told ESPNCricinfo when asked about whether Arjun could’ve been given an extra over at the start or not, "You can't guarantee that the third over will be met. Even the very best bowlers, the most experienced bowlers... when you get greedy and think, Let's just try and get that extra over, more often than not, they get lined up."
He further said that "Tendulkar did his job. Again, he's a recipient of the sub. He's the extra bowler. And the extra bowler doesn't have to complete four overs. He has contributed well at the top, took a wicket, and played nine overs. You can't argue when the cows come home, Oh, he should’ve bowled the death over instead of Green! Green's the international bowler, and he has bowled poorly."
The Mumbai Indians are currently 7th on the points table of the IPL 2023.