The skipper of IPL franchise Mumbai Indians, Hardik Pandya, is set to lead the franchise. He started his career within the Indian Premier League 2024 season. His decision to leave the Gujarat Titans to join the Mumbai-based franchises has been among the most talked-about in the sport, especially after the team management decided to name him the skipper, removing Rohit Sharma from the helm. Though there remains quite some chatter on the topic, Hardik is delighted to have returned home after two years.
Reflecting on his journey as a cricketer, Hardik said in a chat, "I'm deeply thankful for the immense love and support from fans. It's a blessing beyond words.”
He further said, "Returning to Mumbai Indians feels like coming back to where it all began. From my journey as a young lad in Baroda to Mumbai, this city has taught me growth, instilling in me humility and resilience. The city's love and teachings are invaluable to me, shaping me into the cricketer I am today. Mumbai always challenges you to be better, and now with the IPL, I have returned home after 2 years.”
The all-rounder of Team India wants the fans behind him and the team as they look to emerge triumphant in the IPL 2024 season.
He urged, "I seek the same backing from our fans to propel us towards victory. Rest assured, I'll ensure a thrilling season that every supporter will relish. It's a journey we'll all enjoy together."
Hardik also recalled the 2015 IPL season, his first in the T20 league, highlighting how it proved to be life-changing for him.