On Sunday, she was the cynosure of all eyes, having played a huge role in RCB's WPL victory, but Tuesday night gave 'Purple Cap' winner Shreyanka Patil a chance to enjoy a rare 'Fan Girl' moment with none other than Virat Kohli. The 21-year-old off-spinner, who had been a revelation in both the eliminator and final with her match-winning performances at the death, couldn't stop gushing on social media when she realized that her childhood idol actually knew her name.
She wrote on ‘X’, posting her picture alongside Kohli from the RCB ‘Unbox’ event, that she "started watching cricket because of him. I grew up dreaming of being like him. And last night, I had the moment of my life.”
"Virat said, 'Hi Shreyanka, well bowled.' He actually knows my name." The surreal feeling was yet to sink, and it was understandable from her post.
During the inaugural WPL auctions last year, Shreyanka was picked up by RCB at a base price of Rs 10 lakh, and she finished with six wickets in seven matches, the most for her team.