The presenter from Pakistan, Zainab Abbas, who was part of the ICC digital team covering the Cricket World Cup 2023, broke her silence for the first time since leaving India after facing backlash on social media over her alleged anti-India posts in the past. Zainab said in a statement on X, formerly known as Twitter, that "I have always felt extremely fortunate and grateful for the opportunities to travel and present the sport I love; this one would have been extra special.” Abbas also made it clear that neither she was deported nor was she asked to leave India.
She further added in the statement that "I was neither asked to leave nor was I deported.”
Zainab left India for Hyderabad, where she was deputed to cover three Cricket World Cup games for Pakistan in the city. The 35-year-old was present at the Rajiv Gandhi International Stadium in Hyderabad for Pakistan's World Cup opener against the Netherlands on October 6.