Sanju Samson, who is the captain of Rajasthan, was controversially dismissed during a recent DC vs. RR group match at the ArunJaitley Stadium, which generated a lot of discussion. Amid the drama, Parth Jindal, the co-owner of the Capitals, went viral on social media with his animated response to Samson’s firing. However, the DC owner caught up with the Rajasthan Royals skipper for a heart-to-heart chat, which was shared by the DC on their social media channels.
The incident occurred during RR’s chase in the sixteenth over. Sanju Samson heaved Mukesh Kumar down the ground, and Shai Hope took an outstanding catch on the boundary line.
As Samson argued with the umpires regarding his wicket, DC chairperson Jindal enthusiastically celebrated and was heard yelling “out hai.” But what happened after the game was just as amazing. The spirit of sportsmanship was evident off the field, despite the intensity on the field.
“Our Chairman and Co-owner, Parth Jindal, caught up with Rajasthan Royals’ captain Sanju Samson and owner Manoj Badale at the ArunJaitley Stadium last night, after what was an exceptional contest of cricket. Parth also extended his congratulations to the RR skipper on being selected for the upcoming ICC Men’s T20 World Cup,” DC shared the video on its social media handle.