The star batsman of the Indian Cricket Team, Virat Kohli, revealed that he was only 18 years old when he lost his father. He got the news of his father's death when he was playing a Ranji Trophy match for his home side, Delhi, against Karnataka. His father, named Prem, died at the age of 54 in the early hours of December 19, 2006. India pacer Ishant Sharma shares a close bond with Kohli, having played with him since their U-17 days. Ishant recalled the day after Virat Kohli's father died, labelling it the saddest day of Virat's career.
Ishant said, "The day Virat Kohli's father passed away, he was alone and sad. He didn't say anything and seemed very serious. I asked him, Why are you not saying anything? I had no idea at that time. Our video analyst told us that his father had died. I didn't know how to react, but then he batted and saved the game when he was just 17 years old; till today, I don't understand how, if that happened to me, I would not have gone to ground."