The Board for Cricket Control in India has invited applications for one member of the Men's Selection Committee. The notice was also posted on the official website and shared on all social media platforms by the cricket governing body. The last date for applications for the position will be June 30, and the selected candidates will then have to go through the interview process.
The candidate should have played at least 7 test matches, 30 first-class matches, 10 one-day international matches, and 20 first-class matches. Should have retired from the game at least five years previously. No person who has been a member of any Cricket Committee for a total of 5 years shall be eligible to be a member of the men's Selection Committee.
On Wednesday, the BCCI shared a release in which the apex cricket board mentioned the criteria for applications for the top post. The Member of the Men’s Selection Committee will select the senior national team for representation in Tests, One-Day Internationals, Twenty/20, and any other format. Candidates who wish to apply for the aforementioned post need to fulfil the following criteria for their applications to be considered: